Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter 2008!!!!!!

Happy Easter! I hope everyone is and has had a great Easter day. Here are some pics of the Easter that my family and I had . We started by taking the kids to an Easter egg hunt in our community. Then We went to visit one of my grandfathers at the care home that he is livimg at. Then next we went to my fathers side of the family for Easter lunch. The very last thing was Dinner but everyone was so stuffed that we ended up eating a very light Dinner.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New items at Etsy!!

Wow! I have just a little time to show you some of the new items I got in my etsy shop . I have some bags for market and some for gift giving.

So please take a look at my shop. I also do custom orders so if you would like something special

please convo me at etsy or email me at

Monday, March 3, 2008

Girls Day in Hawaii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aloha Everyone, Happy Girls Day !! In Hawaii we take part in a wonderful celebration of girls. I have only one picture to show. I didn't have enough time to get some pictures together to put in this blog but may be next year. If you would like to see more pictures of what this celebration is like in Hawaii go to She has the most beautiful pictures.